• 04-356 3599
  • info@spkasas.com

Company Logo Identity

The Concept of the logo design used by SPK ASAS Sdn Bhd is a special designed logo which used the three capital words- S.P.K. The logo design also related to the personality and its role as the most Sophisticated, Preferred and Kindness of General Contractor have strong commitment to providing quality construction of engineering, technical and management services to customers.

The Black colour of “S” and “K” capital words are meaning of the sophisticated, strong and comfort. This can mean that SPK ASAS Sdn Bhd have the most sophisticated of experience and strong ability to growing their professionalism and also showing their confidence in Construction industry. Furthermore, the Red colour key word of P capital words are meaning of the warm, motivation, energy, desire and confidence. Therefore, SPK ASAS Sdn Bhd have more confidence, motivated, and warm to providing its customer the good quality of construction services which worth value added to increase its popularity in market.